Bagatin Body Treatments: Poliklinika Bagatin Split & Zagreb
Around a year ago, I sat, thinking about the big 4.0 that was looming. I remember thinking, “where have those four decades of my life gone?” “What have I done?” “Am I happy?”, “Do I regret moving to Croatia from Australia?”…and “What’s next for this fat old lady?”
Ack, I hated that I was SO overweight.
Being older did not bother me at all. I was happy with my family and my business. But I was depressed over being so fat.
I have spent the last four decades doing a lot. Not even close to everything on my bucket list – but I am not complaining about all my worldly travels, having two gorgeous children, a husband, and two thriving businesses between us.
I have filled several passports visiting over 20 countries, sharing a half dozen of those new countries with my 6-year-old Little Donkey explorer. I have so many memories from travel alone that’ll keep me happy as I turn grey(er) and sit on my porch in my rocking chair.
Mr. Chasing the Donkey and I have been together 20 years, and last year, we celebrated by taking the boys to Paris, to tick off one of the Little Donkey’s travel wishes (that kid is going to send me broke with his travel wish list). While I was there, I had just weeks before turning 40, and unlike when I was about to turn 30 – I did not care.
Not one single bit.
I spent the last few weeks of my 20’s in the USA. I was in Las Vegas getting married and was dying inside of the thought of coming home, and gulp, turning 30. I was stupid.
Really dumb.
I mean, at that point in my life, I had moved from Sydney, Australia and was living in Perth, Western Australia. I had an excellent Marketing job at the state’s biggest bank, Mr. Chasing the Donkey had beaten cancer – twice, and I had nothing to be unhappy about.
It was just a number. But, it seemed like a scary number.
30. Pft, it was nothing, so I came to learn.
So, then, why a decade later, was I not even one bit afraid, worried, or even the least bit troubled about turning forty?
I think the reason I was not bothered was that I was totally settled.
The only thing that was niggling at me was how I was so overweight and unfit.
In March 2018, I weighed a staggering 87 kilos (109 pounds for your US folk), the most I have ever weighed (even pregnant!). I had started drinking protein shakes on and off instead of eating thinking it would help.
I was 65kg when I got pregnant with my oldest child and knew I should already be back at that healthy weight range; after all, my youngest was already a year old.
By the time I turned 40 in December 2018, I had lost just 6 kilos, I wasn’t trying very hard and was not doing any exercise.
After moving from Australia to Croatia six years ago, I realized that I could do anything I put my mind to. After giving birth to two beautiful boys, trying super hard to learn a new language, starting a business is a foreign country, and essentially starting my life over. I just knew I had to focus and get serious.
My birthday came and went, so did Christmas, the New Year, and I was heading spring 2019 before I told myself I had wasted enough time.
Enter Poliklinika Bagatin.
As many of you already know, in February 2019, I had dental work done at Bagatin, and my smile was forever changed.
While at Poliklinika Bagatin Zagreb, I saw all the options for beauty and body treatments they offer. I followed along with their social media and kept thinking about trying the body treatments.
I was skeptical.
I recall talking to a friend who wanted to try Med Contour and laser body treatment for weight loss and cellulite reduction – and telling her she would be wasting her money.
How wrong I was. (Scroll down to see before and after photos)

After I had made a promise to myself that I’d lose a few kilos and get fitter, I spoke to Bagatin Clinic about my options.
I was advised to come into the Zagreb office of Poliklinika Bagatin for a consultation and to discuss my options.
I drove from Zadar to Zagreb, along with my 7-year-old sidekick, to see what options I had. Along the drive, I explained to my son that Mama was going to get healthier and was going to talk to some ladies who could help her.
He told me he hoped that I would be healthy for a long time – so I could stay alive a long time to be with him. His comment took me by surprise, and it brought me to the edge of tears as I drove along the A1 headed to Zagreb.
It was on the way to the Bagatin appointment that I swore to myself that no matter what, I would spend the next year getting fit. Losing weight and being more active.
Not just for me. But, for my kids.
At my appointment, I met with Kristina Ukalovic, the head of the department. Kristina was kind and supportive as she assessed my body – to see what treatment options would best suit me.
I stood there, in my undergarments, exposed, and feeling like I had really let myself down. That full-length mirror I was looking into made me sick.
Kristina explained to me what non-invasive methods the clinic could offer – and which ones would suit me best.
There were three that were best suited to the type of fat I had and where I was carrying it.
Coolsculpting, Med Contour, and also Zerona Laser.
At the appointment, I also sat with Tea Premoša, Poliklinika Bagatin’s resident nutritionist (who has a Master’s Degree in Nutrition) and spoke about my eating habits, and what foods I should change, and how to make some adjustments to my diet to help me lose weight and get healthier.
After going home and thinking about it, I opted to take up the clinic’s recommendation for six treatments of Med Contour and Zerona Laser in combination with eating a healthier calorie-controlled diet.
Tea emailed me a day-by-day plan of what to eat to get me started – this was, I was sure I would be eating fewer calories, but also eating the right amount.

Bagatin booked me into six visits to Poliklinika Bagatin Split as the office is much closer to Zadar (as opposed to Bagatin Zagreb). I could drive to and from Zadar to Split once a week for treatment while the kids were at kindergarten.
On June 10, I stood on the scale and weighed in at 80.1 kilos (177 pounds) and announced on my social media (as a way to force me to be accountable) that I wanted to lose 10 kilos in two months by the time I was finished with my six treatments.

That same night, I started Tea’s recommended healthier eating plan and ate only her plan for several weeks. I began the Med Contor and Zerona Laser treatments at Bagatin Split and began walking around my village, I even took a stand up paddleboard (SUP) lesson, and SUP’d for a back-breaking hour in an effort to get moving and shift my weight.
I stuck to the plan, went each week for my treatments (which are so relaxing it was hard to think it was helping me shed the fat, was as active as I could be, and…..
…so it happened. After six treatments and two months, I lost 8 kilos and 83cm (17 pounds and 32 inches).

During the treatment, I ate (almost always) 1400 calories per day, and walked a lot – which I had not done in years. Sadly, three weeks into treatment, I tripped and twisted my ankle, and suffered ligament damage, meaning I spent the last several weeks of treatment not being able to walk more than a few meters, and not being able to exercise at all.

Had it not been for my busted up ankle, I would have exercised a lot more. I am certain I would have lost the 10 kilos I had set out to lose, but alas, I was satisfied.
As the pictures show, I lost so many centimeters from my waist, legs, and my rear end that I had to purchase new jeans, shorts, and new bathers for swimming!
Summer 2018, I was wearing a size 44 shorts – and they were tight and uncomfortable. By the end of summer 2019, I managed to squeeze into a size 40. The cellulite that was once plaguing me from the back of knees up to my derriere was smoother, and in some sections, was almost gone.

I even now manage to fit my legs back into the old knee-high boots that I have not been able to wear for years as my calves and got too huge!
See Poliklinika Bagatin Prices & Deals Here
I know what you’re thinking, at 72 kilos, yes, I am still overweight and have a long way to go. But, this treatment kick-started me, gave me the confidence to keep at it, and although I spent all of August and most of September eating and drinking off the diet plan and unable to do any exercise (I could not even drive very far), I did not put on any weight, and am still committed to losing more weight – and getting active.
At the start of September, my ankle had healed, so I signed up for training sessions twice per week with some girlfriends, and together, we have been training to tighten up and get fit!
I am back to monitoring my diet more closely. Not close enough, as I am not sticking to Tea’s plan – which I know I need to address!
I even participated in a very small run with some Mom friends and our kids, something I would never have done last year! Total proof that I am committed to (albeit slowly) losing weight and being more active.
My Face Change From June to October
My new goal is to get into the 60-kilo area (150 pounds), tighten up more with the help of Josip, my trainer, and then I will undertake Cool Sculpting at Poliklinika Bagatin to attack my wobbly belly and thighs.
See Poliklinika Bagatin Prices & Deals Here
So what is it that I did exactly? Let me break it down for you:
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Med Contour
We can all admit to having a little more wobble in certain places than we would like (and those of you who don’t, I’m jealous). There are always many methods nowadays which help to reduce them. Med contour is one non-invasive treatment.
Everyone is an individual, so the results will vary, but I was told it is possible to lose around 2.5cm in the area you’re attempting to focus on, and it’s a totally non-invasive procedure; that means no cuts, no scalpels, no blood, and gore. There is also zero downtime after the procedure, so you can go about your daily business as though nothing happened.
Med contour aims to tighten up the body and give you shape in areas where you might be otherwise struggling. This treatment isn’t designed to be a replacement for healthy eating and a good exercise plan – this isn’t a miracle-working treatment. Still, it’s one that could certainly help you out if you dedicate yourself to health and wellbeing at the same time.
Who Can Have Med Contour?
So, who is a candidate for Med Contour? There aren’t many contraindications, but it’s essential to tell the clinic about any preexisting medical conditions or medications you’re on, especially lipid-lowering medications or anticoagulants. You are not suitable for Med Contour if you have a heart problem, an issue with your circulation, or if you’re wearing a pacemaker.
If you are currently awaiting organ transplantation, you have a metal prosthesis, of any type or you have thrombosis, you’re also not suitable. In addition, pregnant or breastfeeding women are best to wait until the baby is born, and nursing has finished.
What Happens During The Procedure?
Before the treatment begins, you’ll have an in-depth consultation, and measurements will be taken (the ones you see in my before and after photo above).
This means you can see how much progress has been made at the end of your series of treatments. You’ll also be given a specific treatment plan, which covers how many treatments you’ll need to get the results you’re aiming for. This varies from person to person. Overall, however, six visits are considered average, but you may need anything up to twelve in some cases.
Once the treatment begins, you’re encouraged to sit back and relax. The lymphatic system is activated by the hand-held device, which is applied to the troubled area, and all you will feel is a warm and tingly sensation. Some people even quite like the feeling – I know I did.
The tissues around the area aren’t damaged, and all that is happening is the gentle destruction of fat cells in a natural way. Small bubbles are created deep beneath the surface of the skin, which then pops and causes enough damage to the fat cells around them to encourage natural dispersion. This basically means you will rid yourself of fat cells by either sweating, urination, or via the liver.
While I was having treatment, I enjoyed chatting with my gorgeous cosmetologist, Matea. I felt zero pain, and can it say it’s like a warm massage.
What Happens Afterwards?
You simply get up and go back to your business! There is no downtime, and you do not need to sit down to recovery. You won’t feel any pain, and all you need to do is ensure that you eat a healthy diet, get plenty of exercise, and drink enough water.
For three days after the treatment, you need to avoid eating short-chain carbohydrates within your diet to ensure that your body doesn’t grab back onto any fat and store it where the other fat has been lost.
I have to say this was the hardest part for me – I love my carbs! But, after three days, you can go back to eating carbs.
Zerona Laser
Laser treatments are becoming extremely popular for many different ailments, but Zerona laser helps you sculpt your body and tighten the skin, even getting rid of pesky cellulite. All of this and no side effects or downtime.
Also, totally non-invasive, Zerona laser is FDA approved and one of the best methods for body sculpting and for quickly ridding yourself of cellulite, which is notoriously difficult to reduce or eradicate naturally. If you’ve long been troubled by a certain part of your body and you’ve tried diet and exercise to no avail, this laser could be a good option.
You can see in my before and after pics that my waist is SO MUCH smaller; this is where most of the laser was each treatment. Total proof it works.

Who Can Have Zerona Laser?
The good news is that this type of laser treatment is suitable for most, but a consultation will be done beforehand; just to check, you don’t have any risk factors.
If you have a BMI, which is over 30, this type of laser treatment isn’t likely to give you the drastic results you want, and as a result, you may be better looking into other options that Poliklinika Bagatin have – the team will help you decide which is best.
It is, however, important that you disclose any medical conditions or medications you’re on at the consultation.
What Happens During The Procedure?
You’ll sit down and have a consultation with a specialist first of all, who will put together a bespoke treatment plan, including how many treatments you need to get your desired results. You’ll also have photos and measurements taken, for progress to be measured.
Most people undergo a series of six treatments over two weeks, but this varies from person to person.
During the treatment, you simply sit back and relax as a laser is moved over the area you’re attempting to treat. This freezes the fat cells, which are then encouraged to be expelled via natural means, e.g., sweating or urination. Afterward, you will undergo a short lymphatic drainage treatment, which is pain-free and basically ensures that fat cells disappear from where they’re supposed to disappear.

The lymphatic draining feels so nice, and I suggest you use this quiet time to do breathing exercises and chill out.
After this, you’re free to go about your business, with no downtime or recovery required. After your treatment, you’re encouraged as with the Med Contour to drink plenty of water, with two liters every day the desired amount.

You should also do plenty of exercise with half an hour of walking per day encouraged, and make sure that you avoid drinking alcohol, coffee, or consuming carbohydrates, while you’re undergoing your treatment series. (I was unable to quit coffee, though I did reduce my alcohol intake)
This is because coffee and alcohol slow down the lymphatic system, meaning the fat cells won’t be drained away as quickly. Make sure you eat a healthy diet and never skip breakfast. If you can follow that advice, the results from your laser treatment will be more than pleasing!
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Styku 3D Scanner
If you’re serious about losing inches and weight, it’s important to have a true picture of your body and where the weight/fat needs to be lost.
Poliklinika Bagatin has a Styku 3D scanner is a great way to do that.
Styku gives you an accurate view of your body composition and measurements, covering the main areas people struggle with, such as thighs, hips, waist, and breasts. All of this takes just a few minutes.
Styku is ideal before and after you have a specific treatment, such as Med Contour or any laser treatment. This will give you true results and allow you to see your progress. This is also a good choice for anyone who has undergone cosmetic surgery or is planning to do so. If you are undergoing a weight loss plan via healthy eating and exercise, Styku will give you up to date and accurate progress reports on your BMI and your overall measurements, including fat distribution.
Most people are suitable to undergo this scan. However, it’s important to let your specialist know if you have a prosthesis or a pacemaker.
What Happens During The Scanning?
You don’t have to worry about anything; you simply stand still for 30 seconds! The platform you’re on will move around and rotate during that time, but extremely slowly. The 3D camera within the platform will then give the necessary data to compile your results.
It’s best to wear the smallest underwear you have during the procedure, as this will give you the most accurate measurements.

Nutritional Consulting And Diet Plan
In order to live a healthy lifestyle, you need to eat healthily, with a daily balanced diet and exercise regularly. Within that, you need to consider variety, moderation, and also balance. Nutritional counseling and diet planning help you to achieve those points in a far more streamlined way.
This process will also highlight any issues with your current lifestyle, which may be causing detriment to your health or be contributing to serious health risks in the future.
This type of consultation will also help you meet your goals, which may be difficult to do if you don’t have the right information.
What Happens During a Consultation?
You simply sit down and disclose information, but it’s important to be honest at all times. Your nutritionist will ask you questions, and from your answers, they will analyze your lifestyle, whilst taking measurements at the same time. This information helps to form a plan for you moving forward.
The answers you give will help to evaluate the state of your health currently while allowing your nutritionist to choose the right types of foods you should be eating and the best type of exercise you should do. This gives you the right information to help meet your goals, allowing you to look and feel great.
Who May Benefit From Nutritional Consultations?
All of us need to eat a healthy and varied diet, but doing so can be difficult! This type of consultation is perfect for anyone who simply wants to become healthier, lose weight, feel more energized, and reverse or minimize any health problems they may have already.
If you want to have more energy, improve your mood, help to reduce skin problems, reduce any symptoms you might be having from a chronic disease or basically boost your overall immune system, whilst losing weight and inches at the same time, nutritional counseling is a good option.
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I can honestly say that I have not felt this good in years – since before my first pregnancy, at least. And, it has given me the HUGE push to keep going, and I plan to make sure than by 2020 I am in the 60-kilo range and that in 2020 I plan to be able to say I exercise weekly as a part of my normal routine…maybe even do a 5k run in Spring 2020?
This post is in partnership with Bagatin Clinic, who gifted me with all the treatments (value around 2,500 euro). I paid for the transport costs. All opinions are mine. The recommendation is given wholeheartedly and without bias.